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Access Databases

SWAT is available to...

  • Support your existing Microsoft Access database
  • Develop custom solutions to solve your business or non-profit operational and reporting needs
  • Upgrade old versions (e.g. 2003/2007) to new technology (2010)

Past Project Examples

24 Hour Emergency Respite Care Facility

The Respite Center is a program of Center for Families that provides 24-hour emergency respite care for children birth through 14 years of age. With close to 2,000 visits with 4,000 children scheduled each year there is a lot of data to manage.

The information required was so complex that previous attempts by developers were unsuccessful at creating an intuitive application that worked. The Board of Directors was reluctant to allow another attempt when SWAT provided a proposal in 2009.

The application and database are still successfully being used since implementation in 2009. Family Service and Childcare workers are able to instantaneously log and review information related to family demographics, medical requirements, contact logs, visit details. Family Service workers remotely access the information from home when they need to get involved after hours.

And the system easily creates customized reports required for United Way, funders, county agencies and marketing.

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) managed a federally funded, state-wide program, Even Start Family Literacy. This program supported research that children would be better educated if the parents were better educated. So the program managed family participants in assigning education and personal goals and compared the difference between pre- and post-test scores as well as participant progress throuhout the year.

Each participating region used the Access application to track and report their own participant progress. Each month, the regions would upload their databases to a central website where the state DPI would use the integrated process to combine the regional data into a state-wide view of goals. The state could then use the same reports as the regions to assist with management of the progess as well as report to the Feds that requirements were being met to obtain continued funding for the following year.

State Lottery Log Analyzer

When someone purchases a lottery ticket, the lottery infrastructure electronically transmits the purchase information including date/time, retailer identity, chosen numbers, etc. to a centeral hub owned by the state.

This application was developed for an organization that performs state lotttery audits. Lottery purchase information is loaded into the database and the application looks for anomolies in the data that may point to fraud.

Trade/Service Mark Management System

This application was developed for a intellectual property lawyer to help manage the application registration and renewal process for client trade and service marks.