Huntington North High School Class of '74

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Robert Alan Dalrymple

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ROBERT ALAN DALRYMPLE, 50, of Huntington, IN, died at (5:03 pm) Monday, November 20, 2006 in Huntington, as a result of a gas explosion. He was born on February 26, 1956 in Huntington, the son of Robert and Mary Miller Dalrymple. He married Beverly Hosier on September 6, 1975. She survives and resides in Huntington. He was employed as a service technician with Vectren Energy for 21 years. He was a member of Huntington County Baseball for 20 plus years. He was a coach, board member, umpire, league president and currently served as HCB league vice- president. He was also a member of the Huntington County Lions Club. He was well known in men's softball and instrumental in the erection and completion of Homier Park. He attended Union Church. Surviving are two sons, Brandon Tyler and Kimberly Dalrymple of Huntington and Nathan Alan Dalrymple of Cincinnati, Ohio; his parents Robert and Mary Dalrymple of Huntington; two Sisters: Jean Ann Collins, Harlan and Jill LeAnn Owens of Huntington; two Grand-daughters, Dalia Lee and Tyler Elaine Dalrymple; grandfather, Roy D. Shideler of Huntington
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High School
