Huntington North High School Class of '74

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Richard Bradley

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Richard Wayne "Dick" Bradley, 54, of Huntington, IN, died Friday, Feb. 18, 2011, at 11:21 a.m. at Parkview Huntington Hospital.

Mr. Bradley was a self-employed auto body worker and mechanic.

He was born May 4, 1956, in Huntington to Glenn and Mary Lusch Bradley. He married Denise Bennett on April 23, 2002, in Huntington, and she survives.

Also surviving are a daughter, Peggy Bradley Parker, of Warren; three sons, Kevin Bennett, Brian Bennett and Zachary Bennett, all of Huntington; four sisters, Karen Bradley, Glenna Bradley, Myra Bradley (Gil) Ford and Helen Bradley, all of Huntington; six grandchildren, Jasper Parker, Haley Parker, Noah Slusher, Adam Slusher, Kyler Slusher and Kylynn Slusher; and three great-grandchildren.
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High School
