Huntington North High School Class of '74

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Clyde Sprowl

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Clyde W. Sprowl, age 62, of Huntington, passed away Monday, September 30, 2019, at his home. He graduated from Huntington North High School in 1974 and attended IU Purdue. He served in the US Army. Clyde and his wife owned C & B PWB Design Services. He was devoted to his family, and enjoyed computers, hunting and fishing. He was a member of HAM Radio Operators and the NRA.

Clyde was born October 23, 1956, in Huntington, a son of Marion and Elaine (Safford) Sprowl. On April 14, 1979 he married his beloved wife of 40 years Susie Asher in LaFollette, TN, and she survives in Huntington. Also surviving are son Blaise (Rosa) Sprowl of Huntington, granddaughters Mia and Estrella Sprowl of Huntington, brother Marvin Sprowl of Fort Wayne and nephew Kyle Sprowl of Fort Wayne.

He was preceded in death by brother Tom Sprowl.
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High School
