Huntington North High School Class of '74

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Scott Young

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Scott Martin Young, 63, passed away on Saturday, June 6, 2020, at his residence.

Scott was born on July 29, 1956, in Huntington, IN, to Martin E. and Jacklyn (Ferris) Young. His mother survives and resides in Huntington.

Scott was a 1974 graduate of Huntington North High School. He attended Ball State University. During his youth, he swam for Glen Hummer and the Huntington YMCA swimming team, along with his two younger brothers, traveling many weekends. Summer practices moved from the tepid Y pool to the brisk waters of Lake Clare twice a day. Summers also meant the annual mile and four-mile swim competition hosted by Huntington at Lake Clare against teams from as far as Santa Clara, California.

Scott worked in landscaping through high school and college before beginning a nineteen and one-half career at Noll Printing, first as an apprentice, and later earning the title of journeyman pressman. Later he worked at Weigand Construction in Fort Wayne until his recent retirement. Scott was a proud union member who helped build schools, hospitals, as well as buildings on the Fort Wayne Ivy Tech campus. Scott’s great loves were antiques and the water. He lived on a lake most of his adult life. His maternal grandmother fostered his love of antiques, especially primitives, from an early age. He spent many happy hours at area auctions.

Along with his mother, Jacklyn, Scott is survived by two brothers, Chris (Mary) Young, Williams, IN, Patrick (Carol) Young, Decatur, IN; three sisters, Tina (Bob) Cook, Richmond, IN, Julie (Jeff) Young-Miller, Lisa (Jessica) Young, both of Huntington; six nieces and nephews and six great-nieces and nephews.

His father, Martin, preceded him in death.

A private Mass was attended by family at St. Mary Catholic Church, Huntington, IN, with Fr. Stephen Colchin presiding.

A private burial followed at Mt. Calvary Cemetery, Huntington, IN.
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