Huntington North High School Class of '74

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Phyllis Hall

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Phyllis A. Frye, 64, of Greenville, SC, passed away Saturday, February 13, 2021. She was born in Huntington, IN to the late Clarabell Irene and Noel James Hall.

Phyllis was the owner/operator of Bubbles and Bows Pet Grooming in Simpsonville, SC. In her spare time, she enjoyed shopping and traveling. She loved spending time with her family - especially her grandchildren.

Phyllis was preceded in death by her brothers, Doug and Mike Hall. She is survived by her husband, Mike Frye; daughters: Heather Barsalou, Kristen Vreeland, and Katie May; sons: Bobby, Chad, and Craig Stephenson; grandchildren: Cheri, Michael, Griffin, Anthony, Sydney, Cierra, Walker, Ciara, Paige, Chloe, Sean, Jack, and Rachel; great-grandchildren, Garrett and Wyatt; sisters: Marsha Ruppert, Connie Eckert; brother, Pat Hall; and special friend, Vicki Tweed.
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High School
