Huntington North High School Class of '74

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Earlene Starks

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Earlene K. Swaim, 63, of Huntington, IN, died Sunday, May 10, 2020, at 9:30 a.m. at Parkview Regional Medical Center in Fort Wayne.

Mrs. Swaim graduated from Huntington North High School in 1975 and from Lutheran College of Health Professions in 1992 as a registered nurse. She worked for more than 28 years as a nurse for Parkview Hospital in Fort Wayne, Logansport State Hospital and various home health care and nursing homes in Huntington.

She was born Sept. 10, 1956, in Huntington to Earl Udell and Katherine L. Collins Starks. She married Thomas Veatch in 1978, and he preceded her in death on Jan. 6, 1987. She married Jay T. Swaim on July 1, 2002, in Sanibel Island, FL, and he survives.

Additional survivors include two sons, Thomas (Jacquelyn) Veatch, of Huntington, and Timothy Veatch, of Andrews; a stepson, Sean (Tami) Swaim, of Williamsport; a stepdaughter, Amy Tackett, of Huntington; two sisters, Sue Davenriner and Sandy Drabenstot, both of Huntington; six grandchildren; and a great-grandchild.

A graveside service will be held Friday, May 15, 2020, at 1 p.m. at Gardens of Memory in Huntington County, with Rev. Raymond Scribner officiating.
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