Huntington North High School Class of '74

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Paula Shock

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Paula Sue Helvie, 65, of Huntington, Passed away at 11:35 am Saturday, December 19, 2020 at Markle Health & Rehabilitation.

Paula was born on December 29, 1954 in Huntington, IN the daughter of Austin S. Shock and Stella I. (Falba) Shock. She graduated from Huntington High School in 1974. Paula worked at Wabash Magnetic's as a Winder for 15 years, then was a Bartender at the Eagles and American Legion Post #85, then worked at United Technologies in Huntington for 5 years. She was a member of the American Legion Post #85, and she enjoyed drawing and coloring.
Survivors include her Daughter, Tankkii K. Helvie of Huntington, IN; Son, Jeremy Helvie; Two Grandsons, Cainan and Evan; Granddaughter, Laynee; and many Nieces and Nephews. She is preceded in death by her Father, Austin S. Shock, Mother, Stella I. (Falba) Sheets, Sister, Vivian Bragg, Brother, Austin Shock, Sister, Kathryn Beeks, Sister, Loretta Jean Septer, Sister, Julia "Judy" Tackett, and Brother in Law, Charles Bragg.
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High School
