Huntington North High School Class of '74

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Diana Hart

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Diana S. Hethcote, 63 of Markle passed away at 9:49 pm on Monday, September 30, 2019 at Lutheran Hospital. Diana was a graduate of Huntington High School and later graduated from Ivy Tech. She attended church in Ossian. She enjoyed her church activities and spending time with her apartment complex friends. Diana loved to spend time with her grandchildren and loved her dog dearly.

Diana was born on December 15, 1955 in Huntington, the daughter of Frank and Norma (Taylor) Hart.

Survivors include four sons: Joshua Hethcote of Huntington; Dan Hethcote of Markle; Joel Hethcote of Huntington; Jory Hethcote of Huntington and 8 grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her father: Frank Hart and her mother and stepfather: Norma (Larry) Luker.
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