Huntington North High School Class of '74

Addresses Identified: 74%

Steve Daughtery

First Name:
Last Name (Now):
Last Name (High School):

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Address 2:
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Deceased Date:
So what all has happened since high school?
Stephen Ray Daugherty, 64 our beloved husband, father and grandfather went to walk with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on May 7, 2020. He was the founder and owner of Doc’s Crane & Rigging, Inc. Doc was an active and devoted member of the International Union of Operating Engineers for 45 years and believed passionately in the collective power of labor unions. He founded the business of his dreams, Doc’s Crane & Rigging, Inc. in 1989. He operated cranes and machines of all shapes and sizes until his retirement in 2012. Over the course of his lifetime he formed innumerable business and personal friendships. He loved hot rods, drag racing, mowing fields on his IH 706, listening to music, and too many fast and fun activities to list. His winter home in St. Petersburg with dear Florida friends, his hours of playing billiards, and his pursuit of the most delicious food became his respite from Indiana’s cold months. Most importantly, he believed in the abundant grace, forgiveness, spirit and body of Jesus Christ; and upon his death now has peace like a river.
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High School
