Huntington North High School Class of '74

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Jeanie Hendricks

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So what all has happened since high school?
Margaret "Jeanie" Jean Hacker, 64, of Huntington, died at 4:50 am Saturday, October 10, 2020 at Millers Merry Manor in Huntington.

Jeanie was born on February 20, 1956 in Huntington, the daughter of Robert Hendricks and Elizabeth "Betty" Hendricks. She graduated from Huntington North High School with the class of 1974 and married Randy A. Hacker on April 12, 1975 in Huntington, IN.

Jeanie worked at the Huntington City Township Public Library as an assistant and worked for the Huntington County Community School Corporation at Central School as a recess monitor. She was a member of the College Park Church in Huntington. She enjoyed making crafts of all types. Her creative skills allowed her to make magnificent glass mosaics. She was an avid reader that could hardly put down a book once she started. She could sit for hours looking out the window at the birds sitting on the feeders. In the spring and summer time she looked forward to working in her garden and observing the beautiful flowers.

She is survived by her loving husband of 45 years, Randy A. Hacker of Huntington, IN; her two daughters, Keri E (Kenneth) Fields of Bartlett, TN and Anne M Hacker of Huntington, IN; three brothers, David (Sally) Hendricks of FL, Jim Hendricks of FL, Mike (Kim) Hendricks of IN; two sisters, Kathy Weber of IN, Susan (Don) Rentschler of IN. Jeanie was preceded in death by her parents Robert and Betty Hendricks.
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I've been married for 39 years & have two perfect daughters.
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High School
