Huntington North High School Class of '74

Addresses Identified: 74%

Bernard Irick

First Name:
Last Name (Now):
Last Name (High School):

Address 1:
Address 2:
Email Address: 
Deceased Date:
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A rural mail carrier out of the Warren Post Office, Bernard Kent Irick, 43, died at 1:10 a.m. Wednesday at Caylor-Nickel
Medical Center in Bluffton.

In addition to his postal career, Mr. Irick was engaged as a farmer in Salamonie Township in Huntington County. He was a
member of the Boehmer United Methodist Church, the Huntington County Area Plan Commission, the board of directors of
the Thompson Cemetery, leader in the 4-H Fair board, leader of the T-Bone 4-H Club, assistant director of SWCD and
founding member of the SAMS at Warren.

He was a graduate in 1974 of Huntington North High School.

He was born in Huntington County on Feb. 26, 1956 to Joh and June Ann Bechtel Irick. His father is deceased and his
mother resides in Fort Wayne.

Mr. Irick's marriage at Buckeye on July 24, 1976 was to Carolyn Ford, who survives.

Surviving also, in addition to his wife and his mother, are three daughters, Amanda, Deidre and Elizabeth, all at home; a
brother, Roger Irick of Salamonie Township; and two sisters, Mrs. Coultner (Cynthia) Wehr of Huntington and Mrs. Perry
(Tamara) Spahr of Warren.
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High School
