Huntington North High School Class of '74

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Mark Carrico

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So what all has happened since high school?
BR. MARK CARRICO, OFM Cap., 57, died unexpectedly while serving his Capuchin brothers on Monday, Nov. 4, 2013. "He was a true Hoosier". He was invested with the Capuchin habit in 1992 and perpetually professed his vows as a Capuchin friar in 1997. He was elected by his Capuchin brothers to serve two terms (six years) on the Provincial Council. As Executive Director of the House of Peace in Milwaukee from 2003 to 2009), Br. Mark oversaw a major renovation of that ministry in order to better serve the needs of the city's poor families. He also served three years as Director of the Office of Pastoral Care & Conciliation from 2008 to 2011. Once a professional musician, Brother Mark was known for his humor and compassion. At the time of his death, he was Local Minister of St. Bonaventure Monastery in Detroit. He is survived by his mother, Bettie of Fort Wayne; sisters, Terrie and Laura, both of Fort Wayne, Mary (Bryce) Burnworth of Columbia City, and Betsy (Ron) Spiegel of North Webster; nephews, Joey (Kristen) Spiegel, Eric (Ashlee) Burnworth, Benjamin Burnworth, and Vincent Burnworth; nieces, Rachel (Miles) Malstaff, Amber Marley (David) Gavilanez and Carrie Marley; great nieces and great nephews, Annabelle and Alana Malstaff, Liam Burnworth, Aidan and Averie Gavilanez; many loving cousins; and the friars of the Capuchin Province of St. Joseph, with whom he lived, prayed and ministered. He was preceded in death by his father, Billy. Prayer service is 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 7, 2013, at St. Bonaventure Chapel, 1740 Mount Elliott, Detroit, Mich., with visitation from 5 to 7 p.m. Liturgy of Christian Burial is 11:30 a.m. Friday, (instate 10:30 a.m.), at the chapel. Burial to follow Liturgy in the St. Bonaventure Monastery Cemetery, Detroit. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to St. Bonaventure Monastery. Funeral Arrangements entrusted to Chas. Verheyden, Inc. Light a candle and share a memory at:
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