Huntington North High School Class of '74

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Steve Wilfong

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Steven Kent Wilfong, 53, of Huntington, IN, died Wednesday, Sept. 2, 2009, at Iowa Methodist Medical Center, Des Moines, IA.

Mr. Wilfong was born June 23, 1956, in Huntington to Ralph Teddy and Shirley Rose Poehler Wilfong. He is survived by his mother and stepfather, Shirley Rose and Jed Burnau, of Huntington.

Additional survivors include a son, Ethan Wilfong, of Huntington; a daughter, Chelsey Gilbert, of Huntington; a sister, Stephanie Bowers, of Huntington; two brothers, Doug Burnau and Dusty Burnau, both of Huntington; and two grandchildren, Karlynn and Kaedyn.
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High School
