Huntington North High School Class of '74

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Jane Snow

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Jane E. Nes, 53, of Markle, IN, died Thursday, Feb. 25, 2010, at Lutheran Hospital, Fort Wayne.

She had worked as a registered nurse for a total of 33 years, the last nine years at Lutheran Hospital and previously at Wells County Community Hospital. She was a member of the Association of Operating Room Nurses.

She was born May 20, 1956, in Huntington to Kenneth and Norma Mills Snow. She is survived by her husband, Richard "Rick" Nes.

Additional survivors include two sons, Ben (Rebecca) Ralston, of Chicago, IL, and Clinton Ralston, of Markle; a stepdaughter, Megan (John) Van Sumeren, of Fort Wayne; three sisters, Liz Haynes, of Fort Wayne; Helen Snow, of Huntington; and Barbara Bovinet, of McHenry, IL; a brother, Rob Snow, of Huntington; two grandchildren, Nicolas and Izabelle; and a sister-in-law, Jan Nes, of Fort Wayne.
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