Huntington North High School Class of '74

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Connie Schilling

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Connie Raylene Etter, 51 of Huntington County died at 5:25 PM on Thursday, June 21, 2007 at the Hospice Home of N.E. Indiana. She was a 1974 graduate of Huntington North High School. She worked in the mortgage office of Tower Bank at the Fort Wayne main branch. She was a member of the Faith Chapel United Methodist Church. She was born on October 6, 1955 in Huntington, a daughter of Howard and Donna (Richardson) Schilling. She was united in marriage to John J. Etter, Jr. on October 27, 1979 in Huntington. Her Husband survives. Additional survivors include: two sons: Adam Heath Etter; John Zachary Etter both of Huntington; a daughter: Cassie Marie Etter of Huntington; two sisters: Mrs. Dale (Marilyn) Rumple of Huntington; Mrs. Bryan (Lori) Gass of Rancho Santa Maria, CA; her parents: Howard and Donna Schilling of Huntington and her mother-in-law: Mrs. Eldon (Jackie) Paul of Fort Wayne.
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