Huntington North High School Class of '74

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Byron Nuss

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Byron E. Nuss Jr., 54, of Warren, IN, died Sunday, June 20, 2010, at the Regional Medical Center in Hopkins County, KY.

He suffered fatal injuries in a tractor-trailer crash near Madisonville, KY, that afternoon.

Mr. Nuss was a 1974 graduate of Huntington North High School and served in the United States Army for four years. He was employed by J&R Schugel Trucking and drove out of Columbus, OH. He had driven in all 50 states.

He was born Jan. 24, 1956, in Marion to Byron E. Sr. and Maud Hicks Nuss. His mother survives in Warren.

Additional survivors include a daughter, Techia (Jeremy) Davis, of Flemingsburg, KY; two sisters, Debra (Rick) Vogleman and Lori (Mike) Bowling, both of Warren; a brother, Barry Scott (Sabrina) Nuss Sr., of Warren; and three grandchildren, Zachary Davis, Andrew Davis and Chasity Davis, all of Flemingsburg, KY.
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High School
