Huntington North High School Class of '74

Addresses Identified: 74%

Vickie Korreckt

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Last Name (High School):

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Deceased Date:
So what all has happened since high school?
Mrs. Stoffel graduated from Huntington North High School in 1974. She was administrative assistant in the prosecutor's office of Huntington County. She served on the board of the Boys and Girls Club of Huntington County and was a member of SS. Peter and Paul Catholic Church.

She was born Sept. 8, 1956, in Huntington, to Glenn and Marie Cowart Hall. They survive in Huntington. She married Terry Stoffel on Dec. 28, 1985. He survives.

Additonal survivors include two sons, Blake (Chanda) Stoffel and Jonathon Stoffel, both of Huntington; a daughter, Whitney Stoffel, of Huntington; a brother, Rick (Theresa) Dailey, of Huntington; four sisters, Julie (Danny) Carey, Jill (John) Pluckebaum, Tracy (Rocky) Rogers and Terry (Joe) Jonitis.
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High School
