Huntington North High School Class of '74

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Gale Kern

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Gale L. Key, 55, of Huntington, IN, died Saturday, Oct.15, 2011, at 8 p.m. at her home.

Mrs. Key was a 1974 graduate of Huntington North High School, She had worked as an assistant manager, cook and waitress at Ike's; as a cook and waitress at L-K; and as a cook at Richards Restaurant.

She was born Oct. 20, 1955, in Huntington to Paul and Cora Harlan Kern.

Survivors include a son, Dan Kern, of Mt. Etna; four daughters, Taya Kern, of Huntington; Emily (Vinnie) Arceo, of Dayton, OH; and Melissa Key and Jessica Key, both of Andrews; three sisters, Elizabeth "Gene" Wallace and Rita (Eugene) Straw, both of Andrews, and Ann Kirkpatrick, of Mt. Etna; a brother, Paul (Rae-anne) Kern, of Huntington; and three grandchildren, Jarryd Key, Cadence Phllippe and Kiley Key.

She is also survived by a companion, Ferris "Pete" Pedersen
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