Huntington North High School Class of '74

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Doug Harris

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Doug Harris, 56, Andrews, IN, passed away on Monday, August 29, 2011 at 10:34 A.M. at Parkview Huntington Hospital. Doug was born May 22, 1955 in Martin, KY to Corbin (Buddy) and Jan (Vance) Harris. His father preceded him in death. Doug married Vicki Craft on November 17, 1989 in Huntington, IN. She survives. Doug graduated from Huntington North High School in 1974. He worked at Dana for 15 years and was a member of Bethesda Freewill Baptist Church. He was also preceded in death by One Son, Rendell Harris. In addition to his Wife, and Mother he is survived by: One Son: Corbin Douglas Harris and One Daughter: Kyah Shyanne Harris both at home. Two Sisters: Teresa (Tim) Hughes, Markle and Donna (Randy) Bowers, Huntington.
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High School
