Huntington North High School Class of '74

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Herschel Dowdy

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Herschel Carey “Peanut” Dowdy, age 56, of Huntington, died at 3:45 p.m. Saturday
(April 30, 2011) at Parkview Hospital in Fort Wayne.

Peanut was born on October 17, 1954, in Brinkley, Arkansas, to Herschel Dowdy and Essie (Simmons) Dollar. He was a graduate of Plainfield High School.

Peanut worked for Madison Silo Company in Markle in repairs. Prior to that, he worked for Weihouser Paper Company in Deriks, Arkansas. He was one of the greatest fishermen in the world.

He is survived by his mother – Essie Dollar of Huntington; stepfather – Robert Dollar of Huntington; two brothers – James Parker of Huntington and Larry (Karen) Parker of Huntington; three sisters – Rosa Van Ness of Huntington, Linda Kistler of Huntington and Libby Culley of Huntington. His father, stepmother – Martha Dowdy, stepbrother – Roger Ellet, and sisters – Lola Howard and Patricia Brown, preceded him in death
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High School
